
Reba is an editor and writer with six years’ experience crafting articles, refining scholarly texts, and auditing business podcasts for inclusiveness. She is a PhD graduate of Loyola University Chicago's sociology program, with additional certificates in writing and editing. She spent 11 years in academia and has peer-reviewed publications in poverty, media representations, teaching sociology, and climate migration.
As a freelancer, Reba specializes in sensitivity and developmental editing with a focus on the work's insightfulness, inclusiveness, and readability. She helps her clients strengthen and, equally important, welcome audiences to their textbooks, podcasts, and business materials. Her clients include financial media firms, academic publishers, research organizations, and business marketers, who describe her as "a valuable asset," "fantastic to work with," and as "performing under deadlines with quality work."
Reba lives in the Chicago area with her husband and an assortment of freshwater fish that include rainbow tetras, catfish, and two huge plecos. When she’s not working, she pursues her rock star dreams of playing piano and guitar. She loves movies and spy novels, enjoys traveling, and imagines moving to Southern California for the warmth and mountains — a dream destined to remain in her imagination until the housing prices go way, way down!
PhD and MA, Sociology, Loyola University Chicago
Specializations: Culture, media, poverty
Relevant Publications
"Review of State of Disaster: The Failure of U.S. Migration Policy in an Age of Climate Change,” Ethnic and Racial Studies (Taylor & Francis journal).
“A Crack in the Door,” Teaching Sociology (ASA journal, 40+ citations since 2016).
For Entertainment Purposes Only? An Analysis of the Struggle to Control Filmic Representations, Lexington Books (qualitative study - interviews).
“The Forgotten Many,” Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare (ethnography, 3,285+ downloads since 2015)
Relevant Certificates / Additional Education
Developmental Editing for Academics, Manuscript Works
Academic Developmental Editing, Editorial Freelancers Association
Certificate in Editing, Poynter Institute
Writing & Editing Certificate, Coursera - University of Michigan